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Mulitvoltage werkplaatslader

Nu verkrijgbaar, de scherp geprijsde werkplaatslader van de toekomst.


The Filon Futur Expert is an universal applicable battery charger. Professional charging with patented IEB charging technology , desulfation and formation is possible for a single 2Vcell or a 12V AGM monobloc battery as well as for a 80V 500Ah PzS battery.

Our mobile stand (incl. cable holder and integrated utility box ) is specially developed for the Expert charger for maximum spatial mobility.


Charge voltages in 2V – steps adjustable.

Battery type, charge characteristics and -capacities easily free selectable

Service curves and refresh-modes: desulfation 24 h, 48 h, 72 h and formation

Very safe against misadjustments

Simple handling:

In a few steps via operating buttoms - with Blue-Back-light Grafic Display – you can advise easily and menu-driven the parameter setting for battery type and –voltage, requested charging setting, Ah and if required the temperature and cable length.


After a short input acknowledgment you can start!



Low Energy Consumption

- Energy Consumption is reduced up to 20% compared to conventional Taper Charger Technology State of the Art high-efficient HF -Technology (Double-PFC and resonant 100kHz Phase-Shifter-Technology)

- High Charging-Efficiency (>91%)

- Patented Charge Characteristic (Filon Futur – Curve) with very low Charge-Factor (<=1,1)

Very Compact

- low Weight (up to Factor 3 compared to conventional)

- low Volume (up to Factor 3 compared to conventional)

- Onboard-Version optional

- flexible Mounting- and Positioning

Highly preserving and fast Battery Charge

- patented Charge Characteristic for an effective, preserving and fast Charging

- Ideal Charge Current (very low Ripple)

- automatic Adaption to Age, Temperature and Charge Status of Battery

Best Mains Use

- minimum Reactive Power

- cos(phi)~1; i.d. sinusoidal Grid Current

- no negative Mains-Feedback



The new Filon Futur comprehensive charger program offers solutions for any application

Universal and flexible implementation

Individual charging programs for any battery type

The most simple handling and application


Lead-Batteries - low-maintenance (PzS, PzB, GiS) and - free-maintenance (PzV, GiV, AGM,...)

Other battery types can be programmed on request.



ConVision - the compact programming and analysis package for mobile service applications, consisting of service module and software

IEB-Curve - the patented charge characteristic fo dynamic and smooth charging, independet of battery type, age or charge status

Display - for detailed indication and analysis of charge status and program

LED remote indication - As LED Keypad or DUO LED (up to 2m)

Pulse Charge - ionic electolyte circulation for reducing charge time for up to 2 h and also for very soft and energy saving charges

EUW - electrolyte circulation for reducing charge time for up to 2,5 h

Onboard - Customizable, individual implementations ( incl. Drive off protection etc.)

Temperaturcompensation - temperature-controlled charge, e.g. for cold store applications

Other extras on request.






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